Goals & Guiding Principles​


The goal of the Workday implementation at the University of Findlay is to replace antiquated systems and business processes with modern,​ use​​r-friendly, efficient, student-centered systems based in best practices.​​​

Guiding Principles

Embrace The Solution As Is

The University of Findlay is committed to implementing its Workday system to provide better service to the students.

To do this, we agree to act as Change Advocates to do the following:

  • We commit to using the Workday delivered processes and established best practices as the standard moving forward.

  • We will eliminate paper processes and duplicated effort wherever possible.

  • Ancillary applications/software and Excel spreadsheet reliance will be eliminated when possible in favor of Workday functionality.

Keep It Simple

Our objective is to keep systems and processes as simple as possible during and after the implementation. If complexity is necessary, a solid, defensible rationale needs to be presented and approved by the Steering Committee.

Communicate Often in a Systematic Manner to be Transparent

We are committed to making information about the project available to the UF community in a variety of venues and alerting them to any upcoming changes. We will communicate frequently in a predictable, systematic manner and be transparent with information related to the project. Events and training will be held to help members of the community learn about the system and how it will impact their position and work.

Respect for Roles, Opinions and Each Other

An ERP transition/implementation is an incredibly significant, disruptive process resulting in major systemic and process changes for all organizations committed to this type of initiative.  We recognize that change invariably produces anxiety, differing opinions and the need to be open to compromise.  As we engage in this ERP transition (and post-implementation), we are committed to maintaining openness, respect for each other and the roles of project ​members. We expect all team members to be open to providing and receiving constructive criticism in a civil, collaborative manner.​