​​​​​Waste to Energ​y Teacher Resource​

The Waste to Energy teaching resource was envisioned as a way to catalyze novel pedagogy in the classroom for middle and high school students and foster STEM literacy in ways that excite and engage those students.

The importance of renewable energy both environmentally and economically is becoming more apparent in the 21st Century, as are the skills associated with in-demand industries. Workforce development in agriculture, energy, and transportation is essential not only to solving our nation’s technological needs but is critical to sustainable growth and domestic security.

The Waste to Energy resource represents a way to introduce STEM concepts and skills, tied to workforce development, that prepare students for both their future careers and to be good citizens making environmentally responsible choices.

The 11 Chapters contained within provide a number of hands-on, experiential learning activities focused on soybeans and the production of biodiesel, all of which align with Ohio State Science and Agriculture teaching standards. This resource also gives a variety of strategies and tips for educators on how to effectively teach STEM concepts to their students. ​​​


About the Authors​

Nathan Tice​

Dr. Nathan Tice is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Chair of the Department of Physical Sciences at the University of Findlay. During his career, he has been involved in a wide variety of research and teaching projects related to biofuels, renewable energy, and sustainable products. He currently resides in Findlay, Ohio with his wife and two children. 

Gwynne S. Rife​​​

Dr. Gwynne S. Rife, Professor of Biological Sciences and Education at the University of Findlay, continuously incorporates her expertise in marine science to teach and promote ocean literacy and stimulate interest in STEM education. 


For more information: 

​Please contact Nathan Tice at [email protected] or Gwynne S. Rife at [email protected]. ​