​​Covenant Communities

Call them 'Bible studies' if you'd like...or 'small groups' or 'life groups'… We like to think of them as 'Covenant Communities' - groups of people committed to doing life together with a specific end in mind.  

A list of current Covenant Community options can be found in the semesterly booklet on the main page. In 'Special Interest Communities' (like Inklings, Frisbee, and the like) individuals gather around a shared affinity (which, either explicitly or implicitly, points beyond itself to truth in Christ). In 'Discipling Communities' (like Fresh15, Coed Bible Study, and more) individuals gather around Word and prayer, challenging and encouraging one another. Students are encouraged to discover the community in which they can invest and be invested in, growing in the walk with Christ.

Several regularly offered, and vital, Covenant Communities include Fresh15 (a discipling community for first-year students), Newman Club Catholic Student Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Inklings (a C. S. Lewis Reading Society), and UFCM Film Society, among others.