​​​​Goal-Getter Awards

The University of Findlay President and Cabinet have established a $125,000 fund to support innovation, efficiency, revenue generation and student retention.  Faculty and staff members are invited to submit proposals for any amount up to $125,000 that will be used to fund small projects or larger initiatives to be completed in 2017 – 2018. The purpose of these funds is to enhance existing projects as well as assist in financing new ones.

The University of Findlay Goal-Getter Award Committee (GGA)

Chair:  The University of Findlay President

Committee:  A selection committee made up of a cross-section of non-budget managers will review all proposals. 

Each Dean and Cabinet member will ask for non-budget manager volunteers interested in serving, and then randomly select one person from the group of volunteers. There will be a 14-person committee: 6 faculty members and 8 staff members.

If a member is involved with a program making a proposal, that member will not vote on that project. The committee will make recommendations to the President for final approval.

The committee may choose to fund several initiatives or select only one to receive the full $125,000.


All proposals must be submitted electronically by Wednesday, June 21, 2017. 

Required elements must include:

  1. Department/Program Name
  2. Project Leader Name
  3. Project/Initiative Title
  4. Project/Initiative Synopsis (maximum of 250 words)
  5. Project Timeline/Action Plan (max. of 1200 words)
  6. Budget/Detailed explanation of funding amount requested (max. of 750 words)
  7. Budget Justification/How funds are to be used, and project return on investment (ROI) (max. of 1200 words)
  8. Previous Goal-Getter Award Received/Continuing Project
  9. Recipients of Goal-Getter Awards will be required to submit to the President and Cabinet an Initial Outcomes Report in January 2018, and a Final Report in May 2018. Recipients will also be required to share their projects via a Poster Session during the Planning Summit in May 2018. (Grantees will receive additional information on requirements for these reports.)
  10. Download and complete the Signature Approval Form (faculty projects need to include signatures from department chairs and Deans; staff projects need to include signatures from immediate supervisor and appropriate Cabinet member)
  11. NOTE: these are minimum requirements, and applicants are encouraged to add supporting materials or any relevant documents that would strengthen the proposal.

Selection Criteria

Proposals should focus on innovation and efficiency.  They should identify and address specific opportunities to support UF's work toward one or more of the following:

  • Optimum enrollment
  • Alternative sources of revenue
  • Student Retention

The GGA Committee will give additional consideration to proposals that demonstrate cross-departmental collaboration.


Process for Requesting a Goal-Getter Award

  1. Complete the electronic “Goal-Getter Award" form at OilerNation by  Wednesday, June 21, 2017 with required supporting documentation.
  2. The GGA Committee will select the top competing proposals and send them to Physical Plant and ITS for review of cost and resource implications by Wednesday, June 28, 2017.
  3. Reviews from Physical Plant and ITS will be returned to GGA Committee by Thursday, July 20, 2017, to assist the committee in making final decisions.
  4. Goal-Getter Awards will be announced by Tuesday, August 1, 2017.​​