​​​​​​​​​​​Computer Science - Data Analytics​​

Enter the business world where jobs are waiting to be filled 

According to Burning Glass Technologies , the number of positions for data and analytics talent in the United States will increase by 364,000 openings by 2020. Employers are already struggling to fill data science and analytics jobs and finding employees with leadership skills is even harder.

At University of Findlay's Computer Science- Data Analytic program, our students graduate with knowledge in:

  • Multiple programming languages
  • How to perform adhoc queries
  • Statistical understanding and visualization importance 
  • SQL skills
  • Finding patterns in data
  • Cutting edge and high demand business programs such as Tableau

Data Analytic Courses

SQL & Business Intelligence Tools for Decision Making (CSCI 285)

This beginning course will teach you how to write basic and intermediate SQL code using a standard relational database package such as Access, SQL Server, or MySQL. In addition to writing queries, you will learn to use a business intelligence (BI) tool such as Tableau and/or Power BI to create sophisticated data visualizations which can help users quickly answer questions about trends, exceptions, and hidden insights within large data sets.

Applied Operations Research (CSCI 330)

Use software for solving problems! Topic in this course includes linear programming, sensitivity analysis, network analysis, CPM, PERT, queuing calculations, and simulations. 

Python Programming (CSCI 336)

Python is a popular interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability. Topics include becoming familiar with setting up and using the Python programming environment, and using selection struct​ures, repetition structures, functions, recursion, strings, arrays, lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, modules, classes and objects, common libraries and data processing.​

Statistical Methods of Business Analytics (CSCI 423)

Prepare yourself to lead in your career. This class focuses on the study of statistics from a business analytics perspective to give practical experience on how statistics can be used to help professionals make better decisions based on data.

Data Mining Methods of Business Analytics (CSCI 424)

This course will focus on data mining techniques used to explore data, quantify and explain relationships between data and for prediction and classification of data. Topics covered in this course will include descriptive techniques of data exploration, data preprocessing and data reduction methods, predictive analytics, and text/social media analytics.

Choose one course from the following options

Integrated Statistical Analysis (MATH 221)

Gain an understanding of basic methods of statistical analysis, as well as the means to utilize those methods in a scientific setting. Students will collect, summarize, analyze, and draw conclusions from research data. Topics will include various types of distributions of data, comparisons of samples, comparisons of categorical data, confidence intervals, and some of the techniques of data analysis: hypothesis testing, regression, ANOVA, chi square, and parametric and non-parametric.

Applied Statistics and Data Analysis (MATH 223)

A more in-depth dive to the topics covered in MATH 221. This course requires a strong background in calculus and moves at a quicker pace. In addition to the topics covered in MATH 221, this course also covers binomial distribution and single and multiple regression.

And add at least one course from the following options

Internet Programming Unix (CSCI 374)

Develop a web application using Unix, a programming language such as PHP and database management system like MySQL. 

Information Security Fundamentals (CSCI 302​)

It seems like issues surrounding data security are​ in the news every other week. Ensure your company is prepared by learning about topics such as security policy, risk analysis, auditing and vulnerability assessment, firewalls and intrusion detection systems, and the anatomy of abuses like theft, fraud, viruses, worms and DoS.

Managing Information Security (CSCI 412)

Building on your Information Security Fundamentals course, this class takes those principles and applies them to the management side. You will learn security planning, policy considerations, security management models, risk management and laws and ethics surrounding data security. 

Secure E-commerce (CSCI 414)

Online shopping involves a lot more than just filling up a virtual cart.  The National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security (NSTISS), a subset of the National Security Administration (NSA), has created policies and procedures that all companies must follow. This course prepares you to navigate those legalities as well as understand the risks and vulnerabilities associated with eBusiness initiatives. 

Computer and Network Forensics (CSCI 416)

When criminals take to the internet to commit crimes, they need to be taken down quickly, effectively and while preserving the evidence. Topics in this course include the scope and impact of computer crime, the basics of forensic tools and their usage, legal considerations, and the collection and preservation of evidence.

Computer Networking (CSCI 445)

In a large company with many moving pieces, you need a strong and secure network in place. This course will provide both the theoretical understanding and practical experience things such as network design and implementation, network security, capacity planning, risk assessment and feasibility studies.  

Computer Systems Administration (CSCI 460)

This course provides an advanced study of computer systems administration of either a Unix-based or a Windows Server-based operating system. The course will provide the student with both theoretical understanding and practical experience in such things as user management, process control, data backups, software installation, and system security.

JavaScript and Android Application Development (CSCI 470)

Gain hands-on, applicable experience by developing JavaScript and Android applications in this course. JavaScript and jQuery JavaScript library functions will be used to create web applications where you will extend the functionality of the CSS and HTML content that you have learned in other courses. The Android Studio IDE will be used to develop Android mobile applications using XML and Java.  

Internet Programming Windows (CSCI 475)

This course is an introduction to Internet scripting from both the client- and server-side. Covers core Web programming concepts necessary for Web programming in JavaScript, VBScript, and ASP. 

Capstone Project (CSCI 497)

Research your passion! You will work with a department adviser to develop a project that will utilize your skills and integrate your learning into the field of computer science. 

Internship in Computer Science (CSCI 498)

Gain job experience while you are in school. If you would like to have an internship during your time at Findlay, this course will provide you with the credits to maintain a full-time student status.  

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