​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office of International Education​

Education is about more than going to classes. At the University of Findlay, ​we strive to provide students with transformative experiences that lead to an international perspective and a deeper cultural understanding of the world. Findlay's Office of International Education is to prepare those in the university community to be successful members of the diverse, interconnected world of the 21st century by:

  • Understanding their own cultural identity
  • Developing awareness and appreciation of the commonalities and differences among and within cultures 
  • Building their intercultural skills and competence
  • Gaining knowledge about global issues and understanding how actions in one part of the world impact others
  • Contributing positively to our global society 

International Education - Areas of Focus

​​Study Abroad

​You can go almost anywhere in the world for an education abroad experience! Findlay students have studied in many countries including Australia, Korea, Sweden, Italy, Ireland, Belize, India, Japan, Peru, Thailand and England, just to name a few. In addition to general study international experiences, many UF academic programs offer study abroad opportunities to provide unique experiences specific to the specific major as a means of supporting students as they work toward their future profession.​
Study Abroad​​​​


​Cost should never be the factor that holds someone back from having a meaningful international experience. Our office works with students to explore scholarship opportunities provided by the University of Findlay or by study abroad organizations.

Scholarships​ ​

Campus Events

The Office of International Education works with fellow Buford Center offices, Intercultural Student Services and Service and Community Engagement, to host multiple events throughout the year and offer programs at the University to promote cultural diversity. ​


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Facebook UF Office of International Education
Instagram​   ufindlayabroad
