​Submitting your Vaccination Status 

Vaccination is a vital tool to reduce the presence and severity of COVID-19 cases in the workplace, in communities, and in the nation as a whole. The University of Findlay encourages all employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination to protect themselves and other employees, as well as other members of our campus community.  

The University of Findlay is carefully monitoring the legal requirements and the health and safety of our campus. The following complies with the University of Findlay Oiler Start Safe & Stay Safe Plan.

Employees will be considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the requisite number of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine as stated above. An employee will be considered partially vaccinated if they have received only one dose of a two-dose vaccine. Booster shots are not mandated at the time of policy adoption but are encouraged. 

Vaccination appointments may be made through an employees’ primary care provider, a pharmacy, or through vaccination clinics offered through the Hancock County Board of Health. Vaccination sites can be identified through the Ohio Department of Health at https://gettheshot.coronavirus.ohio.gov.

Vaccination Status and Acceptable Forms of Proof of Vaccination

1. Vaccinated Employees

All vaccinated employees are required to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination, regardless of where they received the vaccination. Proof of vaccination status can be submitted via Workday. Click here for tutorial videos on how to upload it​.

Acceptable proof of full or partial vaccination status is:   

  1. The record of immunization from a health care provider or pharmacy; 
  2. A copy of the COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card; 
  3. A copy of medical records documenting the vaccination;
  4. A copy of immunization records from a public health, state, or tribal immunization information system; or 
  5. A copy of any other official documentation that contains the type of vaccine administered, date(s) of administration, and the name of the health care professional(s) or clinic site(s) administering the vaccine(s). 
Proof of vaccination generally should include the employee’s name, the type of vaccine administered, the date(s) of administration, and the name of the health care professional(s) or clinic site(s) that administered the vaccine. In some cases, state immunization records may not include one or more of these data fields, such as clinic sites; in those circumstances, the University of Findlay will still accept the state immunization record as acceptable proof of vaccination.

​2. All Employees

All employees, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, must inform the University of Findlay of their vaccination status. The following table outlines the requirements for submitting vaccination status documentation. 

Vaccination Status
Employees who are fully vaccinated.Select & Submit proof of vaccination that indicates full vaccination.
January 10, 2022​
Employees who are partially vaccinated (i.e., one dose of a two dose vaccine series).Select & Submit proof of vaccination that indicates when the first dose of vaccination was received, followed by proof of the second dose when it is obtained.January 10, 2022 or as soon as possible as vaccinations are received
Employees who are not vaccinated.

Select & Submit statement that you are unvaccinated, but are planning to receive a vaccination by the deadline. January 10, 2022 or as soon as possible as vaccinations are received

Select & Submit statement that you are unvaccinated and not planning to receive a vaccination. January 10, 2022

Supporting COVID-19 Vaccination

An employee may take up to four hours of duty time per dose to travel to the vaccination site, receive a vaccination, and return to work.  This would mean a maximum of eight hours of duty time for employees receiving two doses.  If an employee spends less time getting the vaccine, only the necessary amount of duty time will be granted.  Employees who take longer than four hours to get the vaccine must submit through Workday documenting the reason for the additional time (e.g., they may need to travel long distances to get the vaccine). Any additional time requested will be granted, if reasonable, but will not be paid; in that situation, the employee can elect to use accrued leave, e.g., sick leave, to cover the additional time. If an employee is vaccinated outside of their approved duty time they will not be compensated.

Employees may utilize up to two workdays of sick leave immediately following each dose if they have side effects from the COVID-19 vaccination that prevent them from working. Employees who have no sick leave will be granted up to two days of additional sick leave immediately following each dose if necessary.  All requests for sick leave should be submitted through Workday.​

Employee Notification of COVID-19 and Removal from the Workplace

Employees who are sick or experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID should be tested prior to returning to the workplace.  The University of Findlay requires employees to promptly notify Cosiano Health Center and Human Resources when they have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a licensed healthcare provider.  The notification must include the date of test. Supervisors should be notified through Workday if sick time is being requested. 

Employees who test positive will be immediately excluded from the workplace until they meet return to work criteria by either quarantining as required under current health standards or by providing their supervisor with written clearance from a medical professional to return to work.  Employees may be able to work from home during the quarantine or isolation period if approved by their supervisor.  Employees who cannot work from home may use sick leave or other accrued paid time off during this period, consistent with University policies.  Employees who do not have paid time off to cover the quarantine or isolation period may be granted unpaid leave on a case-by-case basis in consultation with Human Resources.  Family Medical Leave is available to those eligible for such leave under University policies.

Medical Removal from the Workplace

The University of Findlay has implemented the following policy for keeping COVID-19 positive employees from the workplace in certain circumstances. The University of Findlay will immediately remove an employee from the workplace if they have received a positive COVID-19 test or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 by a licensed healthcare provider (i.e., immediately send them home or to seek medical care, as appropriate).

Employees who test positive but are not ill may be able to work from home during the quarantine period if approved by their supervisor and if the nature of the work allows it.  Employees who cannot work from home may use sick leave or other accrued paid time off during this period, consistent with University policies.  Employees who do not have paid time off to cover the quarantine period should consult​ with Human Resources.  Family Medical Leave is available to those eligible for such leave under University policies.

Return to Work Criteria

For any employee removed because they are COVID-19 positive, the University of Findlay will keep them removed from the workplace until the employee receives a negative result on a COVID-19 nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) following a positive result on a COVID-19 antigen test if the employee chooses to seek a NAAT test for confirmatory testing; until they meet the return to work criteria in CDC's “Isolation Guidance"; or receives a recommendation to return to work from a licensed healthcare provider.  

To review current CDC guidance related to quarantine and isolation, please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html. Questions about quarantine and isolation may also be directed to Cosiano Health Center at 419-434-4550 or [email protected] or to Hancock Public Health at 419-424-7105.

If an employee has severe COVID-19 or an immune disease, the University of Findlay will follow the guidance of a licensed healthcare provider regarding return to work.  Employees who become ill from COVID are reminded of the University's policies on Family Medical Leave and the availability of reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, which may be accessed by eligible employees.

Providing False Statements or Documentation:

Any individual intentionally providing false or inaccurate information or records to the University or local authorities will be considered a violation of University policy, and may subject a person to immediate suspension or dismissal. 

Any individual found to be responsible for withholding information from a University Official acting within the scope of their responsibility may be found responsible for a violation of University policy and sanctioned accordingly. Additionally, the following laws provide for criminal penalties for knowingly supplying false statements/documentation:

  • ​​29 U.S.C. § 666(g)—up to $10,000 fine for anyone who “knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document . . ."
  • 18 U.S.C. § 1001—criminal penalties for those who knowingly and willfully make false/fraudulent statements or provide documents containing false statements​


Please direct any questions regarding this policy to the Office of Human Resources and refer to the Oilers Start Safe, Stay Safe Plan. ​