​Common Fears

​___ I will not have enough money to do all the things I want to do.
___ I will not be able to mange my time for studying, sleeping, meals, etc.
___ I will have difficulty meeting friends.
___ I will have difficulty in relationships.
___ I will become depressed, and this will affect my ability to make good grades.
___ College will be too difficult for me.
___ I don’t feel I belong in college.
___ I will disappoint my parents because of my low grades.
___ I will have trouble getting along with my roommate.
___ I will get lost on campus.
___ I will have difficulty finding a major I like.
___ I will choose a major which is not suited to my skills or interests.
___ I will become homesick, and this will affect my grades.
___ I will not be able to develop proper study habits, and this will affect my grades.
___ I will have trouble understanding the professor, and this will affect my grades.
___ I will be looked upon by others as an inferior person.
___ I will be too shy to express my true feelings to others.
___ I will not appear as sophisticated as other freshmen.