​​​​​​​​​​Freshman Career Development

Welcome to the Center for Career & Professional Development! You are experiencing a major, exciting life change by attending college and there are so many new things to learn and figure out during the first few months. Let us help you with a great start on your career journey! Make an appointment with your Professional Development Counselor to answer any initial questions you may have about our office.


What serv​ices does the Center for Career & Professional Development (CCPD) provide?

The CCPD offers a variety of career-related services through individual appointments, including assistance with:
  • Internship/CPT Search
  • Resume Development
  • Cover Letters
  • Interviewing Skills
  • LinkedIn
  • Job Search
  • Career Fair Preparation
  • Professional Attire
  • Networking

Do I need an appointment to visit the CCPD?

You are welcome to visit the CCPD any time during open hours. However, it is a good idea to make an appointment in order to be sure a Professional Development Counselor or other staff member is available. Make an Ap​​pointment.


What is experiential learning?

Experiential Learning is a structured, curriculum-related endeavor (either on campus or off) which asks the student (of any class) to apply their knowledge and skills outside the traditional classroom experience. It is characterized by variability and uncertainty; can be course-based or sought independently, and in its best form is conducted through four phases: 1.) design, 2.) conduct, 3.) reflect and 4.) evaluate. Experiential Learning endeavors fall into three tiers and encompass activities including internships, service learning, undergraduate research, study abroad, and other creative and professional work experiences which are seen as a progressive and developmental process. Click here to view the tiers of experiential learning. 

When should I create a resume?

You may have created a resume before you arrived on campus. If not, you should have one before the end of your freshman year. By the time you graduate, the CCPD should have assisted you at least once in updating and reformatting this document. Contact our office for more information about your resume.

Are there career fairs or other events held on campus during the year?

Yes. The CCPD hosts job fairs, workshops, mock interviews and employer on-campus recruiting events.