​​​​Prospective Graduate Students​

Are you considering graduate school? Before embarking on this journey, it's crucial to reflect on your personal goals and consider the commitment of time, money, and energy required for this decision. Below are some questions to consider before exploring graduate school options. If you determine that graduate school aligns with your goals, schedule an appointment with a counselor or visit the Graduate Admission Office to discuss which options best suit your circumstances. Gograd.org encourages students to consider the following reasons to apply for graduate school.

Best reasons to attend graduate school:

A graduate degree is necessary for entry into a chosen field. 
Some of the fastest-growing careers requiring a graduate degree today include marriage and family therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and healthcare social work. Other career fields that typically require a master's or doctoral degree include law, medicine, and education administration.

A graduate degree is essential for upward mobility and increased earning potential in a chosen profession. 
While not always a requirement for entry into a field, a master's or doctoral degree can often lead to career advancement and higher pay. If you're considering graduate school for these reasons, it's important to ensure that your profession values a graduate degree for promotions and raises. Fields where a higher degree can lead to increased earnings and career mobility include marketing, software engineering, database administration, management, and business administration.

A graduate degree is necessary to make a wanted career change. 
An associate or bachelor's degree in a broadly inclusive subject sometimes provides a good starting point for entry into the job market. However, many workers soon realize that their initial choice of occupation offers limited growth or job satisfaction. The answer to transitioning to a better career path may be a master's or doctoral degree.

Passion for the subject. 
Passion is often overlooked, but it may be the best reason of all. Earning a graduate degree in a subject you're passionate about can be your greatest reward, and it could lead to entirely unexpected professional benefits.

Want more info about graduate school applications, types of degrees and timeline? Click here.​​​