​​Meet Our Faculty & Staff


College of Health Professions

330 College St.
Phone: 419-434-5830 / Fax: 419-434-5562
Abigail Allen, D.M.S.
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Physician Assistant
UF Pavilion Room 106
Stefanie E Anderson, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Education in the Traditional Physical Therapy Program
Physical Therapy Building Room 124
Jason Ashby, D.Sc.PT
Assistant Professor - Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 116
Mario Baker, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 108
Stephanie A. Born, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Director of the Exercise Science Program
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 101
Jen Brickner
Administrative Assistant, Occupational Therapy Department
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 99
Jill R Brown, DMSc
Associate Professor of Teaching in Physician Assistant
UF Pavilion Room 104
Daniel Gerald Carter
Instructor of Teaching and Clinical Coordinator of the Diagnostic Services Department
Diagnostic Services Building Room 119 D
Paul Colbert, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
Debra Ann Copas, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy and Neuroscience
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1165
Cara L Davies, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Chair of Anatomy, Neuroscience and Health Sciences Department and Director of the Anatomy and Neuroscience Lab
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1164
Sara Denning, DMSc
Associate Professor of Teaching and Academic Coordinator
UF Pavilion Room 115
Mark Drnach, D.P.T.
Professor of Teaching in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 118
Jessica Ellerbrock, D.N.P.
Instructor of Teaching in Nursing
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1156 F
Jenny Evans, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor and Director of the Master of Health Informatics Program
Diagnostic Services Building Room 123 H
Tina M. Fournier
Instructor of Teaching, Director of the Wellness and Health Promotion Program, and Director of the Health and Physical Education Program
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 104
Megan E Gonyer, D.S.W.
Assistant Professor and Field Coordinator - Social Work
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 112 E
Tara L. Griffiths, Dr.O.T.
Professor and Chair in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 105
Lucas J. Gross
Instructor of Teaching, Radiation Safety Officer, Clinical Coordinator of the Diagnostic Services Department and Director of the Medical Laboratory Science
Diagnostic Services Building Room 119 E
Holly M Haws
Administrative Assistant, Physical Therapy Program
Physical Therapy Building Lobby
Amy Heflinger
Administrative Assistant, Diagnostic Services Department
Diagnostic Services Building Room 114 A
Cheryl Helmke
Instructor of Teaching and Clinical Coordinator in Diagnostic Medical Sonography
Diagnostic Services Building Room 114 D
Rebecca Herr, OTD
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 109
Richard A. Hopkins, DMSc
Associate Professor of Teaching, Chair and Program Director of Physician Assistant
UF Pavilion Room 117
Angie Huber, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy and Associate Chair of the Physical Therapy Weekend Program
Physical Therapy Building Room 123
Lisa Johnson, OTD
Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 111
Kari King
Administrative Assistant, Physician Assistant Program
Sandra Kleman
Instructor of Teaching in Occupational Therapy
Joyce A. Lammers, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Teaching and Chair in the Physical Therapy Department
Physical Therapy Building Room 115
Aly Matejka, D.A.T.
Assistant Professor in Social Work and Health Care Services Department and Director of Healthcare Management
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 112 B
LeAnna McGuire
Instructor of Teaching in Nursing
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1156 D
Megan M. McLaughlin, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 106
Nancy D. Moody-Russo
Clinical Coordinator, Physician Assistant
UF Pavilion Room 126
Amy Z Persson
Experiential Education Specialist, Physical Therapy Department
Physical Therapy Building Room 121
David Pettigrew
Associate Professor of Teaching in Anatomy and Neuroscience
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 105
Amy Phillips, DMSc
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Physician Assistant
UF Pavilion Room 105
Meredith Pitt
Associate Professor in Gerontology
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 112 F
Lori L. Prusnek, OTD
Associate Professor and Associate Chair of Occupational Therapy Master's Program
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 112
Kelli Recker
Instructor of Teaching in Health Informatics
Diagnostic Services Building Room 123 E
Andrea Richards
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 119
Paula J. Sadler
Administrative Assistant for the Dean of College of Health Professions
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1132 A
Lisa Sakemiller, OTD
Assistant Professor in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 107
Kirt Schnipke, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 114
Nicole Schroeder, D.P.T.
Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy and Associate Chair in the Traditional Physical Therapy Program
Physical Therapy Building Room 125
Stacy Schroeder
Experiential Education Specialist
UF Pavilion Room 125
Andrea Sensel, OTD
Assistant Professor and Doctoral Capstone Coordinator in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 101
Jessica Siebeneck
Instructor of Teaching in Nursing
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1156 E
Holly Louise Snyder, OTD
Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 110
Richard B. States, D.H.Sc.
Dean of the College of Health Professions
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1132 D
Christy L. Stinehelfer
Instructor of Teaching and Clinical Coordinator of the Diagnostic Services
Diagnostic Services Building Room 119 B
Melissa Sue Sutton, D.N.P.
Assistant Professor and Chair of Nursing
Residence Hall- UF Village Room 1156 B
Miranda Tippie, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Practice in Occupational Therapy & Clinical Coordinator for Community Based Practice
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 117
Dave Verhoff, D.P.T., Ed.D.
Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 126
Robin K. Walters-Powell, Ed.D.
Professor, Program Director and Chair of the Social Worker and Health Care Services Department
Social Work Faculty Office Room H
Susan Watters, D.H.Sc.
Assistant Professor of Sonography, Director of Sonography Programs, and Chair of Diagnostic Services
Diagnostic Services Building Room 114 E
Melissa Weber
Administrative Assistant, Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Social Work and Healthcare Services
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 113 A
LaDonna Weir, OTD
Assistant Professor of Teaching in Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Room 108
Bart Welte, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor in Anatomy, Neuroscience, and Health Sciences and Clinical Coordinator of the Strength and Conditioning Program
Residence Hall- UF Haven Room 103
Nicolle Wheeler, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor and Clinical Coordinator in Health Informatics
Diagnostic Services Building Room 123 G
Robyn Wilhelm
Assistant Professor in Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Building Room 109
Amy Yeater
Administrative Assistant, Occupational Therapy
Residence Hall- Morey Hall Lobby